राष्ट्रीय सेवा योजना युवा स्वयंसेवकों में मानवीय संवेदना, श्रम की इच्छा, सहभागिता, सेवा भाव, स्वावलम्बन, स्वदेश प्रेम, सामाजिक समरसता एवं कर्तव्य बोध की भावना जागृत करने का एक सशक्त माध्यम है। आज आवश्यकता है कि युवा संवेदनशील बने, क्योंकि संवेदनशील होना एक स्वस्थ्य व्यक्तित्व का लक्षण है। राष्ट्रीय सेवा योजना का ध्येय वाक्य यह बताता है कि हम दूसरे व्यक्ति के दृष्टिकोण की सराहना करने वाले बनें तथा दूसरों को सम्मान व श्रेय देने वाले बनें।
- प्रो विनय कुमार पाठक (कुलपति)
AICTE, in its 49th meeting of the Council held on 14th March 2017, approved a course of measures for improving the quality of technical education in the country, wherein it was decided that every student, on admission, shall be put through a mandatory Induction program to reinforce the fundamental concepts and strengthen language skills required for technical education. At CSJM University the Universal Human Values course has been introduced as UHV-1(Student Induction Program) and UHV-II in B. Tech and MCA courses from academic session 2021-22.

AICTE, in its 49th meeting of the Council held on 14th March 2017, approved a course of measures for improving the quality of technical education in the country, wherein it was decided that every student, on admission, shall be put through a mandatory Induction program to reinforce the fundamental concepts and strengthen language skills required for technical education. At CSJM University the Universal Human Values course has been introduced as UHV-1(Student Induction Program) and UHV-II in B. Tech and MCA courses from academic session 2021-22.
Education is for developing the students’ full human personality, so that they are able to participate meaningfully not only in their profession, but also in their family, society and their natural environment and finally in whole existence. Ultimately leading to a society that is just and equitable. Every commission on education has articulated the need for human values in education.
The council approved a package of measures for further improving the quality of technical education in the country. Articulated in the AICTE Model Curriculum, one of the key measures is the incorporation of education on human values. The three-week Student Induction Program (SIP) based on Universal Human Values (UHV) is one of these mandatory measures. The 3-week SIP is to prepare newly admitted undergraduate students for the new stage in their life by facilitating a smooth transition from their home and school environment into the college and university environment through various discussions and activities.
It is of utmost importance that the faculty members / teachers are well equipped and prepared to conduct the SIP. The core of SIP is Universal Human Values module. It must be delivered by the faculty members from the respective branch / discipline of the student group. Appropriate FDPs have been designed by AICTE and are being organized for preparing faculty members.
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